
Design means getting our Main Street into top physical shape. We capitalize on Sac City's best assets by creating an inviting atmosphere that conveys a positive visual message about the commercial district. Design works to preserve the history of our downtown area through Downtown Clean Up, Planter Displays, and Historic Preservation, as well as Design Education and Awareness Workshops & Trainings.

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Business Improvment

Business Improvement strengthens the community's existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base. We work to meet new economic use to build a downtown that responds to today's consumers' needs. Business Improvement works to provide Business/Consumer Training & Education, Market Analysis, Downtown Business Needs, and additional support to our businesses!

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Promotions sells a positive image of our downtown and encourages consumers and investors to live, shop, play, and invest in Sac City. We work to provide effective promotional activities and events and marketing campaigns such as Porktoberfest, our Spring Event, Christmas Promotions, and any additional events and activities to promote the community. 

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Organization involves getting everyone working towards the same goal and assembling the appropriate human and financial resources. Organization works on projects such as our Avenue of Lights, Golf Outing, Annual Meeting, Investment Drive, and much more!

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